My intention here is to show how to set up a simple CI/CD multibranch pipeline for teams looking to explore the continuous integration and continuous delivery end of DevOps. This pipeline provides a starting point which can be changed and expanded depending on particular team requirements.
This article assumes your team is already familiar with git and GitHub, and that you have Jenkins installed and ready to use in a location accessible from GitHub. Installing Jenkins is quite straightforward so I won’t go into that here, as there are plenty of other guides available for that. I also won’t spend time explaining what CI/CD is, because again there’s plenty of info about that out there, and if you’re looking for implementation guides then you probably already know what CI/CD is anyway and just want to get started.
This pipeline uses three branches in the git repository: dev, test and main. The dev branch is for development builds. Upon creation of a pull request and successful merge from dev into the test branch, the test branch will be used to run a simple automated test. Again, after a successful pull request/merge from test to main, the main branch is used for delivery to a staging environment for QA testing. This is quite basic and can be changed and expanded according to team needs, e.g. feature branches for specific areas of code, additional test environments, the addition of deployment to a production environment, etc.
The pull requests and merges are done manually so that code can be reviewed and checked for issues before merging. Apart from that, the rest of the builds, tests, and deliveries/deployments are automated.
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